Wholesaling and Retailing of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Main activity of PLC “CITMA” is wholesaling and retailing of fruits and vegetable.

“CITMA” company group consists of five companies which are located in all largest cities in Lithuania. You can find us in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai and Panevėžys. It provides us an opportunity to service clients in whole Lithuania promptly and qualitatively.

  • We are one of the leaders in wholesaling and retailing of fruits and vegetables;
  • We make orders for the clients in their most suitable schedules effectively, purposefully and quickly;
  • We work individually with each client by focusing to their needs;
  • The range of our offered products satisfy the wishes of the demanding clients, we are able to implement any demand of fruits or vegetables;
  • We take responsibility for the quality of our provided production;

Experience, long-standing partners and optimized processes constantly ensure a good price for the offered range of production.